Liver Legs was founded on the principles that
A) Bicycling is fun
B) Everything is better with friends
C) Beer tastes good
D) Everyone's invited

Those attributes are what Raleigh's monthly Liver Legs ride is made of. We go out and have a bit of fun on our bicycles. You can see that there's not a lot of spandex involved. We've also got a good mixture of ladies and gents.
We meet on the steps of the capital at Fayetteville St. There's a general prescription for each ride so follow up with the Facebook event to see what that might be.
Here's a brief history for those of you who want to reminisce or just follow along. If you like what you see, then get out and join us because this show only rolls once a month.
June 2013
Liver Legs X, Episode 10: Return of the Legs. AKA, we can't count. It's been too long!
November 2012
Liver Legs VIII: Turkey Legs. Hit the Q Shack for BBW turkey. Mmmph. Then back to downtown Raleigh for some drinkypoo.

October 2012
Liver Legs VII: The Unliverer Legs. Bring out your costumes, bring out your dead, the livers go on a Halloween bar hop around downtown Raleigh. Mascot: Ballerina
September 2012
Liver Legs VI: The People's Legs
Online poll to determine destination. The people choose Big Boss.
Mascot: Fast Kitten
August 2012
Liver Legs V: Liverer Legs

Mascot: Echidna
July 2012
Liver Legs V: Party on Wheels, The Waterfall Edition
Mascot: Blue Footed Booby

June 2012
Liver Legs IV: Destination #BikeRaleigh
Oak City Cycling Project to the World of Beer @ North Hills (and a Birthday Party)
Mascot: Wombat

May 2012
Liver Legs II: Pints at the Dive
Greenways to Gorman St Pub
April 2012
The Inagural Liver Legs: Space Mountain