On my commute into work last week, I encountered a bit of a snag on my normal route. The "greenway" I usually take between downtown and NCSU is called the Rocky Branch Trail. I loosely call this a "greenway" because in reality it is poorly designed/connected wooded trail, probably paved back sometime in the 80s, that has more or less been taken over by nature. The path was never designed for commuting as it is narrow, winding, and has steep segments
(photo right). It currently has a part that consists of a narrow sidewalk around a curve and connects near campus to a sidepath that is more like a crappy asphalt version of a sidewalk.
Needless to say, I take this "greenway" because it is the best route for me to get to work. I've been commuting on it daily for almost a year now and had few issues. Once I almost hit a woman with a stroller on a curve and I've also smacked my face on a few overhanging branches. Rarely do I encounter other commuters. It's really nice to feel surrounded by nature on this section of the trail but some repaving and wayfinding signs or pavement markings across Bilyeu Street could do folks using the trail for recreational purposes a lot of good.

With no warning last week, the greenway was closed. Fortunately someone was kind enough to put up a sign that indicated this before reaching the segment of the path which was under construction (photo right).
I did check the city's website and there is a segment that says this portion of the path is under construction:
"Sections Closed for Repairs Rocky Branch Trail, along the south side of Western Blvd. (across from Pullen Park) between Bilyeu St and Pullen Rd. will be closed from August 11, 2011- September 12, 2011. Trail users can utilize the Rocky Branch Trail that parallels the north side of Western Blvd by crossing Western Blvd at Pullen Rd and Hunt Dr. For more information, contact Lisa Potts, Greenway Planner, at 996-4785. Updated 8/12/11"

Next time it would be helpful for the city to post a sign at least a week in advance that gives greenway users a notice about anticipated closures. It would be beneficial in helping plan a detour for a commuter, especially when these closures occur in areas where there are not convenient alternatives. Fortunately for me, I have a few options. I'm currently taking a route through Dorothea Dix for the time being.
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